Antiriciclaggio – gli obblighi dei consulenti finanziari

In Italia, i consulenti finanziari rientrano tra i soggetti obbligati alla normativa antiriciclaggio (AML – Anti-Money Laundering) e devono rispettare una serie di obblighi previsti dalla legge per prevenire il riciclaggio di denaro e il finanziamento del terrorismo. 📜 Normativa di riferimento I principali riferimenti normativi per gli obblighi AML dei consulenti finanziari sono: 1️⃣ […]

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Summary of StartKYC’s PEP Assessment Approach

StartKYC assesses Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) using a structured framework based on international guidelines (e.g., FATF, UNCAC, EU AML Directives) and national legislation. The methodology categorizes PEPs into Global Minimum Coverage and National Requirement Coverage, ensuring compliance across jurisdictions. 1. Key PEP Definitions and Framework International References: StartKYC adopts authoritative PEP definitions from: FATF (Financial […]

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AML/CFT-tillsyn i Sverige

Finansinspektionen (FI) är den svenska tillsynsmyndigheten för finansmarknaden. FI ansvarar för att främja ett stabilt och effektivt finansiellt system och att skydda konsumenterna. Advokater och biträdande jurister regleras, övervakas och kontrolleras av Sveriges Advokatsamfund. Hur uppfyller man AML-krav i Sverige? Det finns två huvudlagar som syftar till att förhindra penningtvätt i Sverige: Lag (2017:630) om […]

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Les paiements instantanés en zone SEPA : un nouveau défi pour la conformité aux sanctions

Le règlement européen de 2024 sur les paiements instantanés, entré en vigueur en avril 2024, impose de nouvelles obligations aux prestataires de services de paiement (PSP). Ces derniers doivent désormais offrir des virements instantanés en euros, ce qui bouleverse profondément leurs processus de conformité, notamment en matière de sanctions. Le contexte des paiements instantanés SEPA […]

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Instant Payments, Sanctions, and PSPs: A New Era

The European Union’s introduction of instant payments in 2024 has significantly changed the landscape for payment service providers (PSPs). This new regulation mandates that all PSPs, including banks, must be able to process euro payments within 10 seconds. Traditionally, PSPs would screen each transaction against sanctions lists, a process that can be time-consuming and delay payments. […]

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EU Introduces Sweeping Anti-Money Laundering Reforms

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament enacted a comprehensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Package, formally published on 19 June. This legislation significantly enhances the EU’s arsenal against financial crime. The AML Package comprises three key elements: Sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directive: This directive outlines member state obligations to prevent the financial system from being exploited for […]

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Wrong country as a criterion during a search or monitoring process?

If you enter the wrong country as a criterion during a search or monitoring process, the implications depend on how the algorithm processes the mismatch. Here’s what happens based on the latest adopted algorithm: Impact on Matching: The algorithm uses a Holistic Matching approach, where all data points, including names, dates, and locations, are considered […]

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Chi è una Persona Politicamente Esposta (PEP o PPE)

Una Persona Politicamente Esposta (PEP o PPE) è una persona che ricopre o ha ricoperto una posizione di rilievo nella politica, nell’economia o nel mondo degli affari. Le PEP sono considerate a rischio di frode e riciclaggio di denaro, e pertanto sono soggette a una serie di controlli e requisiti aggiuntivi. In Italia, le PEP […]

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Processus d’examen LBA : comment protéger les entreprises du blanchiment d’argent

Le blanchiment d’argent est un crime grave qui consiste à transférer de l’argent provenant d’activités illégales de manière à dissimuler son origine illégale. Le blanchiment d’argent peut être utilisé pour financer des activités terroristes, des trafics de drogue et d’autres crimes. Les entreprises sont tenues de respecter un ensemble de réglementations visant à prévenir le […]

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L’ultima direttiva europea sull’antiriciclaggio: una risposta globale alla criminalità finanziaria

La lotta contro il riciclaggio di denaro e il finanziamento del terrorismo sono diventate priorità globali negli ultimi decenni. Per affrontare questa sfida in modo efficace, l’Unione Europea ha adottato una serie di direttive antiriciclaggio, l’ultima delle quali si pone come una risposta completa e globale alla criminalità finanziaria. In questo articolo, esamineremo i punti […]

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